
The green transition will require significant investment in utility infrastructure. Many countries have restrictive income caps or fixed tariffs that do not allow for investment to support the electrification of transport, heating and agricultural processes. Incentive-based revenue caps are the answer, and will likely be adopted in many countries over the next decade.

This website documents the open-source R package, available on Github and on CRAN, that allows regulators, data scientists and researchers to calculate and understand:

  1. Asset lifetimes
  2. Economic consequences of asset failures, both minor and major
  3. Monetary risk
  4. Probability of failure parameter estimates based on fault statistics

Why R?

Many regulators use R to perform benchmarking to compare the efficiency of utilities today. To ensure regulators adopt CNAIM (Common Network Asset Indices Methodology) as quickly as possible, we have focused our efforts on an R package, but we are also in the process of developing a Python implementation.


RIIO (Revenue = Incentives + Innovation + Output) price controls were introduced in Great Britain in 2013 by Ofgem, the regulator, as a way determining allowed revenue for electric and gas utilities. The implementation for Distribution Network Operators (DNOs), RIIO-ED2, uses CNAIM to asses the cost of maintaining each DNO’s grid, with respect to asset health. From a basic perspective, DNOs with transformers and power lines that are old and in poor health should be able to invest more than DNOs with assets in better condition.

CNAIM is a freely available standard, ratified by Ofgem, which can be read on their website.

Our motivation

In the process of implementing CNAIM for Danish utilities, and after several discussions with Ofgem and British DNOs, it is clear that:

  • No open-source software exists for regulators to verify CNAIM calculations on bigger (i.e. non-Excel) datasets
  • CNAIM is missing important asset classes prevalent in other countries
  • Additional explanatory variables beyond corrosion, temperature etc. will be required in other geographies
  • There is no public documentation or tooling for probability of failure parameter estimates

Statisticians reading the CNAIM standard will note that parameter estimates for explanatory variables such as duty factor and corrosion are unlikely to be based on statistical methods, but are instead rules-of-thumb. The CNAIM Github package aims to resolve the issues listed above and reduce the barriers to adoption of RIIO-type price controls in countries outside of Great Britain.

The R-package contains the following Health Index Asset Categories and the Asset Register Categories from CNAIM v2.1:

Health Index Asset Category

Asset Register Category

LV OHL Support

LV Poles



LV Switchgear and Other

LV Board (WM)

LV Switchgear and Other

LV Board (X-type Network) (WM)

LV Switchgear and Other

LV Circuit Breaker

LV Switchgear and Other

LV Pillar (ID)

LV Switchgear and Other

LV Pillar (OD at Substation)

LV Switchgear and Other

LV Pillar (OD not at a Substation)

HV OHL Support - Poles

6.6/11kV Poles

HV OHL Support - Poles

20kV Poles

HV Switchgear (GM) - Primary

6.6/11kV CB (GM) Primary

HV Switchgear (GM) - Primary

20kV CB (GM) Primary

HV Switchgear (GM) - Distribution

6.6/11kV CB (GM) Secondary

HV Switchgear (GM) - Distribution

6.6/11kV RMU

HV Switchgear (GM) - Distribution

6.6/11kV X-type RMU

HV Switchgear (GM) - Distribution

6.6/11kV Switch (GM)

HV Switchgear (GM) - Distribution

20kV CB (GM) Secondary

HV Switchgear (GM) - Distribution

20kV RMU

HV Switchgear (GM) - Distribution

20kV Switch (GM)

HV Transformer (GM)

6.6/11kV Transformer (GM)

HV Transformer (GM)

20kV Transformer (GM)

EHV OHL Support - Poles

33kV Pole

EHV OHL Support - Poles

66kV Pole

EHV OHL Fittings

33kV Fittings

EHV OHL Fittings

66kV Fittings

EHV OHL Conductor (Tower Lines)

33kV OHL (Tower Line) Conductor

EHV OHL Conductor (Tower Lines)

66kV OHL (Tower Line) Conductor

EHV OHL Support - Towers

33kV Tower

EHV OHL Support - Towers

66kV Tower

EHV UG Cable (Gas)

33kV UG Cable (Gas)

EHV UG Cable (Gas)

66kV UG Cable (Gas)

EHV UG Cable (Non Pressurised)

33kV UG Cable (Non Pressurised)

EHV UG Cable (Non Pressurised)

66kV UG Cable (Non Pressurised)

EHV UG Cable (Oil)

33kV UG Cable (Oil)

EHV UG Cable (Oil)

66kV UG Cable (Oil)

Submarine Cables

HV Sub Cable

Submarine Cables

EHV Sub Cable

Submarine Cables

132kV Sub Cable

EHV Switchgear (GM)

33kV CB (Air Insulated Busbars)(ID) (GM)

EHV Switchgear (GM)

33kV CB (Air Insulated Busbars)(OD) (GM)

EHV Switchgear (GM)

33kV CB (Gas Insulated Busbars)(ID) (GM)

EHV Switchgear (GM)

33kV CB (Gas Insulated Busbars)(OD) (GM)

EHV Switchgear (GM)

33kV RMU

EHV Switchgear (GM)

33kV Switch (GM)

EHV Switchgear (GM)

66kV CB (Air Insulated Busbars)(ID) (GM)

EHV Switchgear (GM)

66kV CB (Air Insulated Busbars)(OD) (GM)

EHV Switchgear (GM)

66kV CB (Gas Insulated Busbars)(ID) (GM)

EHV Switchgear (GM)

66kV CB (Gas Insulated Busbars)(OD) (GM)

EHV Transformer

33kV Transformer (GM)

EHV Transformer

66kV Transformer (GM)

132kV OHL Fittings

132kV Fittings

132kV OHL Conductor (Tower Lines)

132kV OHL (Tower Line) Conductor

132kV OHL Support - Tower

132kV Tower

132kV UG Cable (Gas)

132kV UG Cable (Gas)

132kV UG Cable (Non Pressurised)

132kV UG Cable (Non Pressurised)

132kV UG Cable (Oil)

132kV UG Cable (Oil)

132kV CBs

132kV CB (Air Insulated Busbars)(ID) (GM)

132kV CBs

132kV CB (Air Insulated Busbars)(OD) (GM)

132kV CBs

132kV CB (Gas Insulated Busbars)(ID) (GM)

132kV CBs

132kV CB (Gas Insulated Busbars)(OD) (GM)

132kV Transformer

132kV Transformer (GM)

400kV OHL Fittings

400kV Fittings

400kV OHL Conductor (Tower Lines)

400kV OHL (Tower Line) Conductor

400kV OHL Support - Tower

400kV Tower

400kV UG Cable (Gas)

400kV UG Cable (Gas)

400kV UG Cable (Non Pressurised)

400kV UG Cable (Non Pressurised)

400kV UG Cable (Oil)

400kV UG Cable (Oil)

400kV CBs

400kV CB (Air Insulated Busbars)(ID) (GM)

400kV CBs

400kV CB (Air Insulated Busbars)(OD) (GM)

400kV CBs

400kV CB (Gas Insulated Busbars)(ID) (GM)

400kV CBs

400kV CB (Gas Insulated Busbars)(OD) (GM)

400kV Transformer

400kV Transformer (GM)

Installing CNAIM

To install the newest version of the CNAIM package, run:


To load CNAIM, run:
